Our governance board is the Council of Governments (COG). Each of the three County Commissioners in Monroe, Morgan, Noble and Washington Counties are members.
Our policy board is the Workforce Development Board (WDB). The composition of the WDB is dictated by WIOA to provide strong business input through majority representation and to also ensure that labor, economic development and one-stop partners can provide input.
2024 Meetings
Mondays, 2/5/24, 5/6/24, 8/5/24 & 11/4/24
Workforce Development Board meetings
9:00-11:00 am
Council of Governments meetings
Noon-2:00 pm
All regular meetings to be held at
Lori’s Restaurant in Caldwell, Ohio,
unless noted above.
Our records custodian, Janell Comstock, is available to assist with any public records requests and can be contacted at: Janell@omj15.com or 740-516-2679. While completion of a form is not required, click below for a form may help in communications.