Workforce Area 15 - Policy Page
Ohio WIOA15 Workforce Development Board sets workforce policy for the area. Some policies are local only and start with OVER; whereas other policies start at the state, these begin with WIOA. For these policies, start by reading the State policy at: State Policy and Guidance Information | Office of Workforce Development | Ohio Department of Job and Family Services then our local decision points are contained in below policy of same name. Not all state policies require local decisions. This method was designed to provide the reader the full and current version of both state and local policies while clearly showing the local customizations.
Policy (Click for Policy) | Description | Forms Supporting Policy |
OVERPL 6-15 OVER Determination of self-sufficiency and family sufficiency ( Calculation) | 2024 program year poverty-LLSIL income calculation | Excel Form |
OVERPL 2-16 Monitoring | Explains the monitoring process. | Forms |
OVERWIOAPL 15-11 Use of Individual Training Accounts | Explains the use of individual training accounts. Forms/Cost | ITA Forms |
OVERWIOAPL 21-2 Services Under the Opioid Fresh Start grant | To ensure the safe and efficient operation of the Opioid Fresh Start National Dislocated Worker Grant | |
Financial Handbook | Explains the financial system and internal controls - See also Procurement Handbook, updated for 2020 Uniform Guidance. | |
Procurement Handbook | Explains the procurement process and internal controls - See also Financial Handbook, , updated for 2020 Uniform Guidance. | |
OVERPL 1-15 OVER policy procedures | Explains the Policy Procedures.
| |
OVERPL 2-15 Conflict of Interest Board & Staff | Explains when a Conflict of Interest exists and how to document. Policy must be signed annually. | |
OVERPL 3-15 OVER Personally Identifiable Information | Explains identifying and protecting Personally Identifiable Information in the One-Stop. | |
OVERPL 4-15 OVER Rights Dissemination & Complaint Policy | Explains Customer Rights & links to State Complaint Manual. Explanation required to be signed & dated. | Explanation of Rights Form |
OVERPL 5-15 OVER Supportive Service Policy Revised 8/28/18 | Explains assistance available to customer to support training efforts. Documentation of need required. | Documentation of Need |
OVERPL 6-15 OVER Determination of Self Sufficiency and Family Sufficiency | Explains state requirement of self and & family sufficiency. The area's level is 200% LLSIL. | Self Sufficiency 2022 Level &Form |
OVERPL 1-16 OVER Youth Incentive | Explains local policy on youth incentives. Form required for usage. | Youth Incentives Form |
OVERPL 1-17 Follow-up | Explains follow-up procedures & includes 2nd & 4th Q letter. | Exit Form |
OVERPL 2-17 Public Records Request | Please contact Michelle Finch at for all requests. | Public Records Request form (optional) |
OVERPL 3-17 Records Retention | Records and the information they contain must be well managed to ensure accountability, efficiency, economy, and overall good government. | |
OVERPL 4-17 Social Media Policy | This policy is to ensure a positive experience for all while protecting the organization and the privacy rights of the customer. | |
Link to State of Ohio WIOA policy page | State WIOA policy link. Please follow the combination of the state and local guidance for below policies, similarly numbered. | |
Link to State of Ohio Workforce Development Glossary | The state defines basic terms to implement WIOA. Please use the linked glossary to define terms especially income (at end). | Individualized Employment Plan |
OVERWIOAPL 15-02 Adult and Dislocated Worker Eligibility, see also State policy. | Explains Adult and Dislocated Worker Eligibility, including local "unlikely to return." | OMJ regist. & A/DW eligibility forms |
OVERWIOAPL 15-03 Youth Program Eligibility, see also State policy. | Explains local barrier and 5% Board review. See chart at end for youth barrier list. | 5% WDB Request form |
OVERWIOAPL 15-04 Selective Service Registration, see also State policy. | Explains selective service enrollment is a requirement in WIOA. | No Selective Service Review Letter |
OVERWIOAPL 15-05 Serving Applicants with a Close Relationship to WIOA, see also State policy. | Explains service to those with a close relationship with WIOA personnel. Form must be signed and dated. | Related Party Form & List |
OVERWIOAPL 15-06 Determination of Dependent Status, see also State policy. | Explains state required dependency determination for all under age 25 . Form required for those under 25. | Dependency Documentation |
OVERWIOAPL 15-07 Source Documentation for WIOA Eligibility, see also State policy | Explains case file documentation requirements. Must use links at end of policy for acceptable documentation. | Section Checklists for Folders |
OVERWIOAPL 15-12-13 Work Experience for Youth & Adult/Dislocated Worker, see also State policies | Explains work experience and provides required contract and monitoring forms. | Work Experience Contract & Forms |
OVERWIOAPL 15-20.1 Priority of Service for Veterans, Eligible Spouses and Family Caregivers, see also State policy | Explains priority of service for Veterans, Eligible Spouses and Family Caregivers. State form required. | State Veteran Questionnaire |
OVERWIOAPL 15-22 On the Job Training (OJT) Procedures, see also State policy | Explains On the Job Training. Forms/contract required. Identifies min. hourly required & Lists max overall 8wk/$13K assistance limit @ 50%. | OJT Contract |
OVERWIOAPL 15-23 Incumbent Worker Training [IWT] Guidelines, see also State policy | Upskilling your workforce policy | Application & Agreement |
OVERWIOAPL 17-06 Disaster Recovery National Grants | To ensure the safe and efficient operation of a Disaster Recovery National Dislocated Worker Grant | |
OVERWIOAPL 19-01 Services Under the Opioid Emergency Recovery Grant | To ensure the safe and efficient operation of an Opioid Recovery National Dislocated Worker Grant | |
Rapid Response __________________________ | | |
Rapid Response Contact List | | |
Rapid Response Protocol Chart | | |
Operation of OVER office Only___________________________________________________________ | | |
Disaster Recovery - Contingency Plan | | |
OVER Cost Allocation Plan | OVER Cost Allocation Plan for Fiscal Agent/Staff to the Board | |
Certificate of Exemption from Investment Policy Filing | | |
OVER Employee Handbook | |