Washington County - Meet our Staff/Partners
By visiting our center, you can get assistance with: Job Search Assistance, Employer Assistance, Resume & Interviewing Assistance, Telephone & Internet Usage, Labor Market Information, Career Assessments, Information and referrals to other partner programs and services and other valuable services
Staff you may work with include:
Kellie Jeffers, 740-434-0758, Employment Support Services
Utilizes resources and evaluation techniques to determine individual employment needs, barriers, and interests. Recommends and refers to appropriate supportive services, internships, educational, and training opportunities.
Ohio Dept. of Job & Family Services Staffing: (for the state website, please go to OhioMeansJobs.com)
Provides information and tools to Ohio’s workforce systems assisting job seekers and employers utilizing OhioMeansJobs.com. OWD operates several federal programs that focus on improving Ohio’s workforce through career and job search related services, assistance to employers, training and education.
Neil Polk, Workforce Specialist, Neil.Polk@jfs.ohio.gov
Will Page, Employment Professional, William.Page@jfs.ohio.gov
Barb Wilson, Rehabilitation Counselor, Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities
Works with job seekers & youth who have disabilities, assisting them with job search, labor market info, and referrals to partner programs, etc. Also works with employers to help find solutions for reasonable accommodation for employees. Barbara.wilson@ood.ohio.gov
Dr. Anthony M. Huffman, ED.D, Director, Adult Technical Training at Washington County Career Center
Provider who offers a variety of information about education opportunities. THuffman@thecareercenter.net
Ashli Diamond, Aspire/Ohio Options Coordinator
Options for adults without a high school diploma, including guidance and classes.
Pamela Lankford, Director of Logistics and Epicenter
Coordinates the Epicenter, an Entrepreneurial Development Center incubates new businesses and provide shared space in which makers and innovators from all generations. plankford@BB2Careers.org
Washington County DJFS
Amanda Sutphin, Workforce Supervisor, (740) 434-0527
Focuses on job seekers and employers who are ready for services under the Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act to enhance employability.
WIOA Adult & Dislocated Worker Case Manager:
Peggy McElfresh, (740) 434-0516
Youth Comprehensive Case Management Employment Program (CCMEP)
Oversees administration, management, and coordination of all One-Stop activities.
Oversees Temporary Assistance for Needy Families and the WIOA youth programs.
CCMEP Case Managers:
Laura Adams, (740) 434-0529
Brenda Robinson, (740) 434-0521
Sherri Nolen, (740) 434-0519